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KidWorks 30th Anniversary Celebration

Presenting Sponsor

$30,000 / each

*On-Stage Recognition during program ceremonies * The ability to provide remarks during ceremonies *Premium Booth at KidWorks fair *Social Media and blog mentions featuring partnership *Logo on banners, website and day of program & signage *Press mentions in all pre and post-event media

Gold Sponsor

$10,000 / each

*On-Stage Recognition during program ceremonies *Booth at KidWorks fair *Social Media and blog mentions featuring partnership *Logo on banners, website and day of program & signage *Press mentions in all pre and post-event media

Silver Sponsor

$5,000 / each

*Logo on banners, website and day of program & signage *Press mentions in all pre and post-event media

Bronze Sponsor

$3,000 / each

*Logo on banners, website and day of program & signage

Jerome Park
2115 W McFadden Ave
Santa Ana, CA 92704

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