By midnight on Dec. 3, we need your help to meet the $200,000 Matching Challenge issued by generous donors to spread the gospel to more people in 2025.
God has done amazing things this year! Yet around the world, 170,000 people still die every day without knowing Jesus. Together, we can change that — one audio Bible, one Jesus Film showing, one Bible story, one prayer at a time.
Your gift can help:
• OneWay - Where Needed Most (Doubled up to $100,000): Fuel critical needs to reach multitudes with the saving news of Jesus
• Philip Centre North (Doubled up to $100,000): Equip and send more African missionaries to reach their own people
Thank you!
Note: For a gift of $200 or more, you'll receive a FREE BOOK: Inspiring Lives, the stories of 27 people who impacted the world for Christ.