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2025 Caribbean Nights Gala- Benefiting Boys & Girls Clubs of Manatee County

Title Sponsorship (Exclusive)

$30,000 / each

The Title Sponsorship includes: VISIBILITY AND MEDIA -Exclusive rights as the presenting sponsor for all event creative -marketing opportunities -Recognition in event press release, sponsor animation, and on BGCMC social media profiles -Acknowledgment by Master of Ceremonies at event -Speaking opportunity on stage at the Gala -Logo featured on scrolling slides at the event BRAND RECOGNITION -Premier listing on Gala invitation -Two-page advertisement in Gala event program with priority placement, including back cover -Company name and logo on all promotional material -Logo and company name on Gala website -Recognition in the fall edition of the newsletter HOSPITALITY -One reserved table (10 seats) -VIP check-in and priority seating -Two bottles of wine for the table with bar service -VIP Experience

VIP Experience Sponsorship

$25,000 / each

The VIP Reception Sponsorship Includes: Include: -Signature branded cocktail -Brand recognition at reception -One reserved table (10 seats) -VIP check-in and priority seating -Two bottles of wine for the table with bar service -Verbal recognition during event -Recognition on social media -Full page ad in Event Program -Recognition on BGCMC signage -Hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, and gourmet meal with wine -VIP Experience

Platinum Sponsor

$15,000 / each

The Platinum Sponsorship includes: -One table of 10 -Priority seating -Verbal recognition during program -Recognition on social media -Recognition on event screen -Recognition on BGCMC signage -Half page ad in event program -VIP Experience -Two bottles of wine for the table

Gold Sponsor

$10,000 / each

The Gold Sponsorship includes: -One table of 8 -Verbal recognition during program -Recognition on event screen -Recognition on social media -Half Page ad in event program -One bottle of wine for the table

Silver Sponsor

$5,000 / each

The Silver Sponsorship includes: -One table of 8 -Verbal recognition during program -Recognition on event screen -Quarter Page ad in event program

Bronze Sponsor

$3,000 / each

The Bronze Sponsorship includes: -One table of 6

Individual Ticket

$250 / each

Includes a seat to the gala

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