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Racial Equity and Transformation Mini-Grants

Investing in Visionary Justice

$688 of $1,000

The Racial Equity and Transformation (RET) Committee is pleased to be able to continue to offer RET Mini-Grants for a third year in a row! These small grants support InterPlay Leaders, and Leaders-in-Training, to create and offer programs that give expression to Body Wisdom’s Racial Equity & Transformation Statement by “sewing cultural competency into the fabric of our teaching, training, communications, and outreach.” Over the past two years we have funded 15 diverse and powerful projects that center the dynamic leadership, vital voices and body wisdom of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC). Please contribute what you can so we continue to uplift the creative work of InterPlay BIPOC leaders both within our community and beyond. Your donations will support more remarkable projects such as these: 

  • Kelsey Blackwell’s Decolonizing the Body, a 7-week journey exclusively for women of color to explore the tools that support them in their work, relationships and personal healing.
  • Wai-Chin Matsuoka’s Revolutionary Love Compass in collaboration with Karen Hatch, a 10-session program exploring the practices of Valarie Kaur’s “Revolutionary Love Compass.”
  • Marla Durden’s Dancing Ancestor Prayers of Blood and Bone in collaboration with Maria Garcia, a day-long workshop to honor Ancestors by becoming good Ancestors.
  • The My Grandmother’s Hands Healing Project led by Foluke Beveridge with Ade Anifowose, Jennifer Denning, Christine Gautreaux, Janice Eng, Joan Greenwood, and Katie Hymans to create a multiracial healing space. 
  • Vibhuti Aggarwal’s Bodywise Futures in collaboration with Sukhmani Kohli and Vishal Singh Dhaybhai, a 4-day residential workshop bringing together practitioners of a variety of body-wise practices to share skills and explore issues of polarization and racism in the Indian context. 
  • Lois “Toni” McClendon’s Storytelling Across Cultures for Racial Healing and Transformation in collaboration with Carolyn Renee, Sukhmani Kohli, and Maria Garcia, an 8-week program using Storytelling Healing Circles to bridge what divides us as humans.
  • Wai-Chin Matsuoka’s Decoding and Healing Rage in collaboration with Karen Hatch introduces the concepts proposed in the book “Healing Rage” by Ruth King, incorporating her transformational tools as a response to systemic injustice.
  • Leah Mann for Indicator Species, and the Dream Keepers in collaboration with many community partners, cultivates health in ecosystems, micro to macro - in the person, in the family, in the community, in the environments, etc. and toward more experiences of balance, symbiotic relations, justice and peace co-regulated in all the systems.
  • Busi Peters for BEAH Ripple: Sexual Healing Grief Ritual Movement in collaboration with Women Healing Empowering Women (WHEW) is an all-inclusive spiritual prayer ritual to grieve and then heal by connecting the origin story dots of the global sexual psychopath throughout history to the present.

Click here to SUPPORT the RET Mini-Grants!


SO very grateful for this powerful, valuable work and play!! Thank You 🙏🏼

Lynda Letourneau

Experiencing Sacil's InterPlay facilitation reminded me, deep in my being, of the importance of showing up and the power of joy in making critical world change - thank you, Sacil!

SB Rawz

5 Donations


5 months ago

Ade Anifowose


5 months ago

Sarah Carlson Summer


5 months ago

Meg MacLeod


5 months ago

Lynda Letourneau