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Holy Ghost Council #4977, Palatine

The Newman Centers provide students at non-Catholic colleges and universities with a Catholic community on campus, so their faith thrives in college and beyond. Please support them.

$312 of $1,775

I am the product of two (2) Newman Centers, the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo and the University of Southern California (USC). I probably would not be a practicing Catholic today, if it were not for the Newman Centers at the universities that I attended.

It was my Newman Center chaplain at SUNY at Buffalo, Fr. Edward Fisher, who impressed on me the need for both faith and good works. I was a Eucharistic Minister at the Newman Center.

Through the Newman Center at USC, I became involved in the Detention Ministry of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. I spent my Sundays at LA's Central Juvenile Hall. We had Mass and held rap session with the youth. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

The next generation of our faith and our Order are on the college and university campuses today. Please support them and help them grow in their faith rather than abandoning it.

Jim Killigrew


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3 Donations


7 months ago

Robert Novak


7 months ago

Michael Baldwin


7 months ago

James Killigrew