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The Love Container, A Place to Center BIPOC to Release and ExForm and Expand Creative Capacity

Focus Sessions to Support the Well-Being of BIPOC Individuals

$156 of $1,000

Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) InterPlayers are offering free focus sessions for BIPOC individuals who are grieving during this time. Support Those Who are Grieving! 

According to Dr. Helen Neville, a professor of African American studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “radical healing is where individuals rely on the cultural strengths of their particular communities to survive, to thrive, to exist." We know all too often with the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community, trauma is experienced differently based on the historical realities of racial injustice. In 2017, InterPlay made a serious commitment to addressing racial inequalities by putting forth a powerful statement, and supporting actions like the Loving Container!

During the pandemic, the Loving Container was created for BIPOC InterPlayers, and for BIPOC who are not yet familiar with InterPlay to experience the embodied tools and forms of InterPlay through the Focus Session form. The Loving Container continues as an InterPlay vehicle for BIPOC to have a release valve for releasing what does not serve through the one-on-one support of an InterPlay Focus Session. By donating to this cause, you will help create a stop-gap in the trauma cycle, and provide a resource that those receiving the session can use in their ongoing healing from racial injustice and other issues that do not serve the truest expression of themselves.




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2 Donations


5 months ago

Kate Savkovich


5 months ago

Leslie Brown