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InterPlay Northeast Supports the Larger Movement

Racial Equity, Peggy King Memorial Fund, BIPOC Scholarships and the Heart of InterPlay

$959 of $1,300

Formally known as InterPlay New England, InterPlay Northeast is supporting the larger vision of InterPlay raising funds for scholarships, racial equity, and InterPlay around the globe. Support the Larger Vision!

These weird and challenging years have given us new ways to connect and play with obstacles, newness, grace, and pain. We’ve been graced by the warm and deep new relationships born of our Zoom connections. With relief & gratitude, many of us have leaned into our InterPlay community. We've been able to dip into resilience and determined joy across miles and time zones, across the country, and around the world.

During this time of vast uncertainty, InterPlay offers us body wisdom, the support of a creative, collaborative community, and ways to come up with stuff in the moment. This is a time to come home to our bodies, individually and together, and to practice radical reimagining. To foster a healthy equitable future and beloved community we need sneaky deep play. We need InterPlay's radical welcome and affirming collective. We celebrate and look to support our many new leaders who've trained during the pandemic and are bringing their fresh, heart forward styles of leading to our expanding InterPlay communities.

Instead of raising money for local efforts this year (local money is supported at the moment), we invite you to "Support the Heart of InterPlay" in these ways:

  • Train and mentor leaders to share InterPlay in their communities and work
  • Bring InterPlay to marginalized communities
  • Advance programs that promote racial equity and transformation
  • Develop intergenerational programming
  • Build relationships with new communities around the world
  • Offer space for people to grieve and cope during this time in history
  • Create curriculums to train educators who want InterPlay tools

Donate to InterPlay Northeast and your donation will be split evenly amongst the following campaigns:

  • Scholarships for Black Indigenous People of Color - Invest in racial equity by supporting gifted leaders to learn the tools of InterPlay to change the world.
  • Directly support Art & Social Change and young leaders through the Peggy King Memorial Fund
  • Racial Equity and Transformation - Support the many ways that InterPlay is investing in a racially equitable future.
  • InterPlay's General Fund - Holds and manages the big picture of InterPlay which brings body wisdom practices to the corners of the earth.

Invest in embodied justice by supporting InterPlay Northeast on or before Give InterPlay Day on May 22nd, 2024!


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7 Donations


7 months ago

Lisa Ward


7 months ago

Diane Martin


7 months ago

Lisa Laing


7 months ago

Sally King