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$14,208.89 of $30,000

MFPE's Political Action Committee (PAC)

Like everything MFPE does, MFPE’s Political Action Committee (PAC) is member led and member run. MFPE PAC strengthens our ability to defend our workplace freedoms, secure better wages & benefits, fund the public services we provide, and protect our pensions.

Members interview political candidates to find out which politicians support our members and the important work we do, regardless of party affiliation. Then, MFPE PAC helps elect these quality candidates - at the school district, city, county, and state levels. 

By contributing to MFPE’s Political Action Committee (PAC), you hold elected officials accountable. By donating, you can elect leaders who will be good faith partners to us and the critical work we do everyday.

When MFPE members donate, MFPE members win.

If you’d like to donate by cash or check, please make it out to MFPE PAC and mail it to 1232 E 6th Avenue Helena, MT 59601. Be sure to include your contact information when you send it, and let us know if you have any questions by calling (406) 442-4250.

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Darcy Edward
Lance Edward
Olivia Bedford
Amanda Priquette
Nancy Warren
Eden Dias
Kalli Murphy
Christy Peeples
Megan Casey
James Wood
Carol Haverlandt
Emily Hessler