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Assure our values and voices remain prominent in the midst of uncertainty and change.

$838.40 of $5,000

Grounded in the pursuit of truth, freedom, and vocation, Concordia University Chicago’s Lutheran identity enables it to be consistent with its tradition and be distinctive in the American higher education landscape. From daily chapel and the prominence placed on sacred music to the exposure to theology every student receives, from our programs to educate future generations of church workers and attract faculty and staff who share our mission, vision, and values, our Lutheran identity is visible in all that we do.

Charitable gifts to expand the Lutheran Identity Fund will enable church work students to attend CUC, advance theological scholarship, uplift future generations of Lutheran educators and musicians, and assure our values and voices remain prominent in the midst of uncertainty and change.



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4 Donations


over 1 year ago

Solomon And Jennifer Conrad


over 1 year ago



over 1 year ago

Jeffrey And Rachel Leininger


over 1 year ago


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