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KofC Dussman Council 3731 Tootsie Roll Drive 2024

The Knights of Columbus in Glenview, Council #3731, are raising funds for local organizations that support persons with special needs. Please help us by donating to the annual Tootsie Roll Drive!

$661 of $5,000

Every year during the month of September, the Fr. John J. Dussman Council of the Knights of Columbus holds the Tootsie Roll Drive to raise money for Special Olympics, Misericordia, and other organizations that support Persons with special needs.  The Tootsie Roll Drive is the largest charitable fundraising program of the Knights of Columbus.  Our goal this year is raise in excess of $15,000, including donations done onlline here, donations mailed, and donations out in the streets.  We need your help!

Funds this year will go to support:  Illinois Special Olympics, Glenbrook United Special Olympics, Misericordia Home, Elite Stars Athletics, and the Special Eduation Programs at Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Catherine Laboure parishes.

Please consider a gift this year to help support these local non-profit organizations benefiting children and adults with special needs.  Just click the Donation Button above.

When donating online do NOT hit the “REMOVE” button; and it is NOT necessary to fill in any of the optional information about our Council.  It would be helpful also if you would email me if you donate online so that I can be sure that your donation is credited to our Council #3731.  Please email:  [email protected]

Checks can also be sent to "Knights of Columbus Mission Possible Fund", c/o Rick Nash, 1215 Pine Street, Glenview, IL  60025


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