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Crusaders Council 10151 (Orland Park/Palos Area)

We invite you to donate to help us directly serve our beneficiaries: Special Olympics Region E, St. Coletta’s , Shady Oaks, Blue Cap Home for Autistic persons and Our Lady of the Woods SPRED/REP.

$0 of $5,000

In Service to One, In Service to All

Our Council was born in St. Coletta’s Chapel which served as our church until Our Lady of the Woods was built.  Our name is derived from “Crusade” as we 10151 Knights view this support for all those with special needs as the heritage DNA fabric of 10151 from its birthplace.   Currently three ID Knights are active Council members with two being officers.  Our fundraising is ever present throughout the year with the Tootsie Roll Drive and beyond.

All funds go to charity with no administration costs.  Thank you from Council 10151 and a big embrace from our recipients.  They may be unseen by you, but your presence is real to them.



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