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Family Promise Cardboard City 2022

$12,011.45 of $12,000
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One in 16 children in the U.S. experiences homelessness by the first grade. They and their families can be found sleeping in motel rooms, with friends, or even in their cars. Children and teens who face homelessness suffer in other ways, as well. They’re more likely to drop out of school, repeat a grade, suffer from depression, and attempt suicide.

Recently, two teens in our program shared what it felt like in their life before Family Promise staying with family and friends.  One explained that she always felt "jumpy" inside.  The other shared that she felt constant anxiety.  Some of those feelings came from not knowing how long they would be staying or how long their "hosts" would let them stay.  Some came from not knowing whose rules to follow, their parents or their hosts.  You can only imagine how hard it would be not having a place to call your own or a place were you just felt safe....safe to be a kid.

Your donation will assist families right here in OUR COMMUNITY transition from homelessness to sustainable independence through the Family Promise program.


Donate and Comment

Good luck Kayden!

Lauren Schultheiss

Way to go Kayden! Every kid deserves a home! Such a great thing to help others out! :)

Jessica Casey

Go Kayden!

Mike & Nancy Cartwright

Luminary Donation from Lanier Forsyth Rotary Club

Lanier Forsyth Rotary

81 Donations & Registrations


over 2 years ago

Lauren Schultheiss


over 2 years ago

Sandip Patil


over 2 years ago

Jessica Casey


over 2 years ago

Joaquin Delgado


over 2 years ago

Lauren Schultheiss


over 2 years ago

Jessica Casey


over 2 years ago

Mike & Nancy Cartwright


over 2 years ago

Frankie Horan


over 2 years ago

Sandip Patil


over 2 years ago

Joaquin Delgado


over 2 years ago

Vallal Vaiko Sinna Meeran Raja Muhamad


over 2 years ago

Morgan Langley