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Support YMCA of Bucks and Hunterdon Counties

$605,875.79 of $150,000
Become a Fundraiser

At the YMCA, while some see children playing in child care, we see parents going to work every day to support their families. While some see retired seniors enjoying a daytime workout, we see people making friends and connections vital to their quality of life.

Since the pandemic began, we are seeing more and more families who need help finding affordable child care, food and access to health and wellness opportunities. The need is great, but we are committed to providing resources to those who are struggling. You can help us meet this critical need by making a gift to the Y's Annual Campaign.

While membership dues help us operate our facilities, donations fund life-changing community programs that promote healthy living, youth development and social responsibility. Every gift makes a difference. For example, $400 provides nutritious meals for 100 food insecure children and $250 helps connect a senior to a Y membership and reduce social isolation.


Please consider a gift today!


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1556 Donations


7 days ago

David Chantry


10 days ago

Fred Clime


11 days ago

Sandra Arakelian


16 days ago

Jennifer Rock

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