Kellan's Warriors
August 31, 2020 Kellan Ford was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Medulloblastoma which metastasized to his spine.
48 hours later he had successful brain surgery, followed by 30 rounds of high dose full brain and spine proton radiation.
Kellan started his 7-month chemotherapy journey, December 2020. However, in March 2021, he stopped responding to treatment. The cancer spread to his bone marrow. In May 2021, Kellan received 5 rounds of palliative radiation to lessen the overall bone pain and continued his palliative care.
He was a fighter and lived life to the fullest. Finding simple ways to Choose Happiness.
Kellan’s battle ended peacefully on June 11, 2021 after a 10 month battle with metastatic brain cancer. His legacy has just begun.
I'm in the fight...
I am in the fight against Medulloblastoma and Childhood Cancer with The Kellan Ford Foundation.
I fight in memory of Kellan, Kamden, Kalea and all of the warriors taken too soon.
I fight in honor of those warriors still in the fight Ava, Charlie, Noah, Ava, Luca and so many more.
Will you join us?
We are asking for $11 and inviting 5 friends to do the same, $11 and 5 more friends.
3 Donations
over 2 years ago
Monica Schrank
over 2 years ago
Chantal Crane
over 2 years ago
Kristin Ford
Fundraisers and Teams

1 Comment
Honoring Kellan and all Medulloblastoma warriors.
Kristin Ford