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Ava’s Army

Ava is a 5 year old warrior currently battling Group 3 Medulloblastoma. We are fundraising for a cure and need your help! No donation is too small!!

$3,313.08 of $10,000

On 9/5/2021, our precious daughter Ava was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After a very long 8 hour surgery, pathology would reveal that it was Group 3 Medulloblastoma, a common brain cancer. She has undergone 30 rounds of chemotherapy and radiation and underwent 6 cycles of high dose maintenance chemotherapy. Ava has had a rough year but we are hopeful she is and will remain cancer free. 

 Group 3 Medulloblastoma is the most aggressive of the subtypes and has a high recurrence rate. Currently there is no cure if relapse happens which is why we are uniting with The Kellan Ford Foundation and OncoHeroes to help fund their research for a cure specifically for Group 3 Medulloblastoma. Our goal is to raise as much money as possible for the research and development of treatments for this specific cancer and stop it from taking so many innocent lives.


Today I am standing to fight alongside my daughter Ava, and in honor of Kellan and Kamden who were taken too soon. That is why I am joining the fight against Childhood Cancer with The Kellan Ford Foundation. Will you join us?


Any amount helps, no donation is too small! Help us stand up to cancer! Help us fight!! 


Watching y'all on Anderson Cooper was inspiring and very education. Much love to y'all! -Dr. Sean Fitzgerald

Sean Fitzgerald

For all the Avas, Kamdens, Kellens, Kaleas, and Noahs. 💛

Jen Brown

Sending prayers and love 🙏💗

Amy Russoniello

Dear Ava: You are such a warrior and funny too! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You inspire me with you strength and your sense of humor while playing around with Anderson Cooper’s camera person. Keep the strength Ava. Thanks to you and your Mom for sharing about what cancer you have and making us all aware we have a lot to do help you and other kids who have a similar illness. Take care, Ava. So proud of you! Ava’s Army-Strong! Sherri

Sherri VanSnik

I was watching Ava and her mother on Anderson Cooper’s 360 news show. Like him, I was unaware of the under researched and underfunded program for childhood cancer! That was a big eye opener for me. It moved me so much. I hope that somehow our federal government can supply the proper amount of money to take care of these children.❤️

Lori Leon

You are so beautiful and deserve a life filled with wonderful adventures. Keep strong and always say ‘I will win’.


Dear Ava, my thoughts and prayers are for your continued strength and courage during this time.


Ava, you are a lifetime warrior! So proud of you! Thank you, Anderson Cooper, for sharing Ava's story on your platform and enlightening us all.

Cynthia Perry

Keep fighting little warrior!

Matthew Pearce

Sending Ava so much love.

Marianne Ring

In honor of Ava Thomas and in memory of those children who didn’t make it.

Lana Brach

We will never stop fighting for Ava and all our Medulloblastoma warriors! We love you Ava!!!

Kristin Ford

45 Donations


about 2 years ago

Karen Haines


over 2 years ago

Michael Teplica


over 2 years ago

Gary And Diana Garbe


over 2 years ago

Michele Petrelli

Fundraisers and Teams
