Warrior Kam
Fighting for all of those that have had to lay down there swords & gain there angel wings. And for all the warriors still in the fight.
- Today, I am joining the fight against Childhood Cancer with The Kellan Ford Foundation.
As Kamdens mom I am honored to come alongside the Kellan Ford Foundation in honor of my angel & all the angel warriors & for all the warriors currently fighting. No parent or child should have to walk this road.
As a parent that has had to walk hand & hand with there child through cancer treatment. I will tell you first hand so much needs to change. Our children deserve so much more then they have been given. Children are currently being treated the same way an adult is being treated for cancer. And they are not the same. The drugs these babies are recieving are older then I am. Not to mention the harsh life longside effects of having to receive treatment. It's not okay.
This is exactly why we have to come alongside this grant together & raise as much money as we can for the creation of this new drug that these kids so desperately need. A drug that's not only being proven in a lab to be effect but has little to no toxicity.
Makes me emotional thinking about how much this one drug could change the outcome for so many families.
Kamdens fight is now our fight. And I will do anything & everythig I can to not only honor his legacy but be the voice for all of these babies that need one the most.
If you've made it this far I want to thank you for standing in the fight against childhood cancer with us. Your donation means more than you know.
For more of our story head over to @onemightywarrior_
11 Donations
about 2 years ago
Kendra Scott
over 2 years ago
Kailey Krull
over 2 years ago
Jennifer Pickrell
over 2 years ago
Amy March
Fundraisers and Teams

Oh how I wish I could donate more. In the short time I followed Kamdens story he impacted me in so many ways. I now live each day finding the good in it. He truly was, and will always be a warrior. Kam deserved better, all of these children deserve better! 💙🧡
Megan Solominow
For Kam and all our angel warriors! They will never be forgotten and we will continue the fight in their honor.
Kristin Ford