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CTC Academy is SOARING Into Our 70th Year!

Molly's Team

Join Molly in supporting the CTC Acadmey- a school that has been Molly's "Home Away form Home" for the past 17 years and counting!

$0 of $1,950

Molly started at CTC in 2002 at the age of 3.  Those of you who knew Molly back then, remember the struggles she faced, both physically and cognitively.  This year Molly turned 20 and we are so grateful to the CTC Academy for being by our side on this journey.  We send Molly to school each day with complete confidence that she is well taken care of and being challenged to reach her potential. When we visit her at school we see how happy she is to be there.  She interacts with her classmates and loves the daily routine. Ryan, Kelly and Maggie have grown up visiting, volunteering and making new friends at CTC.  Tom and I are so grateful for all they do for our whole family and hope that Molly will be able to continue there into her adult years.  

This  year  the CTC Academy Soars into their 70th year of service.  They’ve ensured that Molly and  all of the students they’ve served along the way have also soared to new heights! This is why the CTC’s mission of enhancing the lives of children and young adults with special needs, and their families, by providing an enriched educational, therapeutic and supportive environment is so near and dear to our heart. 

Won't you join me in helping the students of CTC Academy continue to Soar?



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